Not sure if you knew this or not, but today is actually an unofficial holiday for Star Wars. The date chosen by a rather clever pun on the series’ most popular phrase, “May the Fourth Be With You.” While there are no specific plans for LucasFilms to celebrate the day, Lucas did release a statement that said that they are thrilled that people still enjoy the movies and have picked a day to express that enjoyment. After all, there aren’t many films that have a specific day named after them, even if you won’t find it in most calendars.
But besides the pun, why the fourth of May? Well it was actually a mistake by German TV when they translated an interview with George Lucas. They were quoting “May the Force Be With You” and actually misinterpreted the line as “We are with you on May 4th” or in German, “Am 4. Mai sind wir bei thnen” And the first Star Wars Day was born.
The date has given some local venues a chance to celebrate with some Star Wars fun. Since the films are a family event, libraries, public parks and even schools have scheduled some events to commemorate the day throughout the country and perhaps the world to give the kids something cool to do.
And in cyberspace, the net is all abuzz with Star Wars Day greetings, but especially Twitter who is trending the event with thousands upon thousands of people not only wishing others greetings, but quoting various lines from the film in 140 characters or less.
So Happy Star Wars Day and May the Fourth Be With You always…