Man Wants to Build Life Size AT AT


Can a real AT-AT be built life size and fully functional? A man in Oklahoma wants to find out. Michael Koehler, a Star Wars fanatic is working up plans to build the monstrosity as a way to unite Sci-Fi fans and generally create a rallying cry from a national project.

For those of you not as Star Wars literate, the AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) are also known as Imperial Walkers. They were the big dog like robots that towered above the rebels on Hoth in the Empire Strikes Back. They could crush anything with their massive feet, while shooting lasers out of their “noses.” A pilot would sit in the head portion and drive the tank with legs over the rebellion forces. Heavily armored, Luke and company found the only way to bring them down was to basically trip them by using a grappling hook and tow cable or to put a grenade in their belly, through a convenient bottom door.

The estimated 73 foot vehicle has already been created at Star Tours in Orlando and we must say that it’s very impressive. The difference is that that one doesn’t actually move or really function. It’s merely a decoration for the attraction, although smoke does come out of the guns. Perhaps Disney can chip into the project by providing some plans for them to work on since they’ve already got the design layout.

But back to Koehler. Since he made an announcement on what he wants to do, he’s already heard from lots of willing participants. The idea is to separate the project into different puzzle pieces and have them put together at a central site once each is completed. The details on exactly how that’s going to work is still being worked out, but he hopes to be able to get the project underway soon. He realizes that the project is going to be insanely expensive, and so he’s raising money through his tumblr page as well as through a site that caters to fundraising for art projects and inventions called kickstarter.

The social media consultant and father to three children not only looks at this endeavor as a legacy for the kids, but as a rallying cry for America. At times, he says, the country doesn’t seem to be getting along and what America needs is a project that everyone can get behind. Since Star Wars is so universally popular, building an AT-AT seemed like something that was difficult, but possible. He’s even got assurances from engineers that it is indeed possible to build such a unit. When Kennedy announced that we were going into Space because it was hard, it did create a sense of pride and participation, and Koehler hopes that building an Imperial Walker will do the same thing.

And who knows, maybe if they do succeed, the US Military could probably use it. It’s a cool idea and it should be interesting if it can be pulled together.
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