News Around the Star Wars Galaxy April 11 2011


It didn’t look like an x-wing trying to pick off a tie fighter with short laser cannon bursts, but it was a laser weapon, bringing us closer to the Star Wars realm. In this version, it’s more of an unseen steady beam that when targeted at enemies can cause extreme burning, and perhaps even explosions if aimed at the right location (such as gas motors, etc). The US Navy is currently testing such a weapon on the USS Paul Foster. Normally, water serves to hamper such a beam, but this one is able to withstand the issues and work as directed. While gun mounts are not yet being placed on every ship, the military is hopeful after positive results that this could be a new tool in their arsenal, especially against sea pirates. In the video, you can see the test performed by the Navy on April 6th against a mock ship. As you can see, it did some serious firestarting.


Earlier we mentioned Star Wars: The Musical, a musical production that had taken the audience by storm, only to be shut down after three days by the lawyers at Lucas. Well, now the show is being shown in its entirety on the net for free. And while there is fear that it might be shutdown again, once posted, it will wind up being a futile fight for Lucas and lawyers. Plus George has lightened up a bit these days on his characters and stories being used by fans. You can see the video, starting with the one below at Vimeo.

It seems that Lucas’ daughter, Amanda Lucas, will not be competing in the cage fighting match as we had reported. In what would have been her return to the cage, she would have had to face Heather Martin, who was 8 pounds over the 165 pound limit. And so as a safety precaution, she decided to withdraw. Lucas said that she is very serious about her sport and that it was not safe or good for the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) for her to fight someone not in the proper range.

Well that’s about all the Star Wars news we have at the moment…
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