Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace 3D Conversion News


George Lucas has selected Prime Focus, a VFX company that is responsible for the 3D implementation in Disney’s Tron Legacy, to do the honors of converting Star Wars Episode I: Phantom Menace to 3D.

A movie series like Star Wars, no matter what people think of the first three episodes, is a legacy that can’t really afford to be a disappointment to the fans and Prime Focus is very aware of that. They said in their press release that they were honored to become a trusted partner in this endeavor and that making sure there is a quality conversion is of utmost importance. They certainly have the experience and technology for it. Their View-D system allows filmmakers to actually not use a dual camera for filming a 3D movie, but it still can be converted in high quality by their artists.

Coordinating the effort is a man who is no stranger to Star Wars, but Industrial Light and Magic’s VFX supervisor for all three of the new films, John Knoll. He is on a mission to make sure that the conversion is as good as it can be. He’ll be able to offer his experience and insight into the layouts of the sets, the size and scope, how the scenes were intended and other information that will prove useful to the 3D conversion artists. The goal, of course, is not to rush it out like Clash of the Titans, but to make a very complete conversion where time will be taken to make sure that every frame is correctly represented. And we know that this can be done correctly, because Nightmare Before Christmas was converted from a flat film and heralded as a great step up by fans just as adamant as the ones for Star Wars. Knoll’s says that there will be no cheap 3D tricks in the film, so don’t expect Jar Jar to jump out at you, which is really a plus.

Lucas has been quoted as saying that he is very happy from what he’s seen so far and is glad to have access to the technology that is making his vision possible.

Star Wars Episode 1: Phantom Menace will be released on February 12, 2012. The remaining other five movies will also undergo 3D conversions as well, keeping Prime Focus very busy for a long time to come.
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