Star Wars News from the Galaxy for August 30 2011


There is quite a bit of video game news this week in the Star Wars Universe, so we thought we’d give you one update…

When the Star Wars Blu-Ray sets come out, we’ll finally find out whether or not George did any tweaking or not. According to ILM, there was no tweaks and that the films would be just as they were seen in the theaters, and not be the “special editions” that were released in 2004. However, an interesting video has come up on YouTube which calls this into question. It seems that in Phantom Menace, the closeup of Yoda in the Jedi Council when young Anakin is being interviewed to be a Jedi, was originally the puppet. But now new footage has shown that he has been replaced with a CGI version. This is just a rumor at this point, but video does look quite convincing. While the CGI does a better job at moving the facial muscles as he speaks, somehow the puppet actually looks more realistic. I think it’s in the eyes. Anyway, we’ll discover what changes have been made when the Blu-Ray’s comes to a store near us on September 16th.

Star Wars: Galaxies will only be accepting users up until September 15, 2011 and will be selling a 30 day subscription that will last until they close the servers on December 15, 2011. If you haven’t already played there is probably not much you are going to get out of it and might as well wait until Star Wars: The Old Republic opens, but if you want to catch some of the special events they will be having for their members in the final days, it’s a chance to get in on the last hurrah. The game is shutting down because they say it’s no longer viable to run and going to the free to play model that has worked for some games was not an option. No one will officially say it, but speculation is that EA did not want the competition for TOR when it hits the internet.

Carrie Fisher, whose iconic look in the slave bikini, sent many a fanboy’s heart a flutter, has gone on Jenny Craig and so far lost 50 pounds. If you’ve seen the Princess lately, you may have noticed that she’d gained quite a bit over the years, but now is taking it off after hearing the comments said about her on the internet. And she wants to get back into that bikini, she told Ann Curry on the TODAY show, if for nothing else then to wear it around the house. Before you get too excited, you have to remember that she isn’t 18 anymore, but her weight loss has gone a long way towards returning her to the woman we’ve known and we congratulate her.

Kinect Star Wars, the long awaited light saber and force game from Microsoft, disappointed fans when the developer announced that the game would not be coming out on the holiday deadline as they expected. The delay will also affect the Star Wars Xbox 360/Kinect Bundle that was scheduled out for the same time period, since the game will not be ready to ship. I really think that they could have just released the bundle with a coupon for the game when it was ready, but they aren’t doing that. The game, it’s said, needs more tweaking and more work before it will be ready as the previews have been slammed by the critics. Maybe that trailer with the Rancor destroying Mos Eisley was a bit much for them to handle. Anyway, the game is officially back on unannounced date status, but hopefully 2012 is still in the cards.

George Lucas’ daughter Amanda “Powerhouse” Lucas is stirring things up in the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) arena, having fought three fights already, and winning two of them. In Japan, she cleaned up the floor with her opponent Hikaru Shinohara, winning the matchup easily. Some believe that her introduction into the sport may be good, because of her father’s high profile fan base. She even wanted to come into the ring with the song from Star Wars, but did not in the end. Come on George, you can give your daughter the rights, eh? Apparently nothing gets by the legal stormtroopers, even family.

And that’s the Star Wars News that we have at the moment. Thanks for reading.
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