Star Wars News Updates


A couple of updates for news we posted about previously...

It seems that those kids at Westfield High School who simulated a Star Wars light saber duel in the cafeteria that ended in a standing ovation and everyone’s arms still attached to their bodies, will not be banned from their graduation after all. Principal Raymond K. Broderick not only agreed to let them walk down the aisle, but let them out of their suspensions as well. He also let two other boys that had put Vaseline on office doors off the hook too, saying that they are good kids and deserve a chance to graduate and have a future, despite a moment of bad judgment. Even though he took the wrath of the online community, the principal did have support from his higher ups like the Superintendant of Schools and the Mayor, and could have easily kept the ban active. We applaud his good sense to see the humor and not the bad in this one.

The Star Wars fan base was on fire as George Lucas said something that was misinterpreted by many websites. Lucas was promoting Star Tours II when he mentioned on the G4 channel during an interview that he had 50 hours of the Star Wars live action show and that it looked a lot like the movies. This led a lot of people to believe that he had indeed filmed 50 hours and the shows were just waiting to be aired. It was obvious, though, when not taken out of context, that he meant only the scripts were written and that type of visuals he was imagining in them would be cinema like rather than cut down for television. This was indicated when he said that it would cost too much money to film the regular way and thus they were looking for a cheaper solution. Lucas released a statement however to clarify his remarks on the subject to be sure there was no confusion.

And that is the news updates…
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