Star Wars Shocker Mark Hamill Got Old


The Daily Mail in the UK made quite a comment about Mark Hamill no longer looking like the boy that we grew up with in Star Wars, but after 30+ years, did we expect him too? I mean really. He’s 59 now and still working, mostly doing voice work for animated features and video games. He recently was spotted at a wrap party for an independent film called Sushi Girl and he looked significantly older than we are used to seeing him. The article mentioned that he looked paler and more rotund than he was when he played Luke decades before. So what?

They are actually shocked enough to berate the man for aging and not spending a fortune and going through all sorts of plastic surgery to maintain that look, a look that he was horrifically typecasted by. I mean to Star Wars fans, it may be hard to see Luke get older, but for Hamill, it’s just him living his life. It wasn’t like he looked like a homeless guy or something. Voice actors tend to shy away from the spotlight and when one isn’t it in the spotlight, there is no point in maintaining that look and perhaps he doesn’t even want to.

Yes, he got old, but in the words of Master Yoda, “At 59 years, look this good you will not…” Okay, it was 800, but still, leave Mark Hamill alone.
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