Star Wars The Old Republic Jedi Consular Trailer

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In this video, released this week during the latest in beta testing, the Jedi Consular class is featured and it shows that a fully talented Jedi is certainly a force to be reckoned with.


Not only do they have the unique ability to be able to foresee the blaster shots and deflect them with their light sabers, but they have incredible push powers according to the video. They can push objects defeating their enemy that way or they can simply force opponents out of the way, even at long distances through targeted blasts. And if that wasn’t enough, they now have the power to disappear and reappear whenever they want, making it easy for them to stealthily take out a whole army with a single player. I can’t help but think though that this had to be a lost art thousands of years later because even the most experienced and learned Jedi like Yoda, Qui Gon Jinn, or Mace Windu never used anything like that, even though such a maneuver would have really helped.

While most of the trailer is dedicated to their talent for defense and attack, Jedi Consular are also very good at negotiating with others without violence, making them indispensible for the Republic. But if the case arises that negotiations are “short”, they will certainly be in the position to deal with things.
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