Star Wars The Old Republic


Bioware, who created Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, will be releasing a full MMO called Star Wars: The Old Republic. Rumored to have cost over 100 million so far, the game is set to be released in Spring 2011. It will feature fully realized interactive worlds that takes place 3500 years before Episode IV when the Sith and the Jedi are at odds, even despite a peace treaty, in which battles are still raging on, threatening the ability to end the war.

Upon entering the world, the player will choose their character class and have the ability to change the look and race of their avatar based on the class they have chosen. Classes include Jedi Knights, Sith Warriors, Jedi Consulars, Smugglers, Troopers, Sarlacc Enforcers, Bounty Hunters, Imperial Agents, and Sith Inquisitors. The one you select will put you initially on the light side or dark side, but your fate isn’t locked in at the start. The decisions you make throughout the game will also determine which side you are ultimately aligned with.

MMOs in the past were strictly about exploration and battle with nothing really to grasp onto as far as story and caring why we were there. Bioware plans to change that with their own unique style of rich narratives and situation based dialogue. This unique approach will really engage the player’s interest in seeing how their actions will affect the story.

In true space epic fashion, 16 worlds have been created to explore, each with their own architecture and environment. It’s hard not to get lost in the complete immersion that each one provides. Everyone remembers Hoth and how icy and cold it was. Well, it is so realistic, you may find yourself reaching for your jacket, or pining for a drink on the desert world of Tatooine with its sand storms and sand huts. Despite the intense graphics, the game is optimized so that most modern PCs should be able to handle the load and play fairly well.

No MMO, of course, would be complete without battle sequences and The Old Republic has plenty of opportunity. From complete warzones with organized scuffles to space scenarios where you have to blast through enemy fighters, asteroids and more to reach your destination, the game will keep the battle crowd very happy.

The warzones will be more like Battlefield than Worlds of Warcraft. In these special areas, players will be separated into two teams that will fight each other in unique scenarios with light sabers and other weapons. The goal will basically be to take out the other team in cooperative play. This is really when one’s skill sets come in handy, especially when you are fighting a very talented Jedi or Sith.

Star Wars: The Old Republic will have a subscription fee, although it has not yet been determined. But for around $10 a month it would certainly be worth it to be immersed in such the epic worlds of George Lucas.
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