Steve Jobs Frozen in Carbonite Pulled


Yesterday, in our news from the galaxy, we talked about a new iPhone cover that would certainly be of interest to Apple and Star Wars fans. Instead of George Lucas or Harrison Ford preserved in Carbonite, it was Steve Jobs. The very realistic looking piece was very cool and it went for around $35.

Society6, who sells lots of different covers from Star Wars to Sesame Street to other fun and unique designs was selling the item on their website, but it was pulled and speculation began that there was some one out there that objected. Since they are still carrying the items from George Lucas, it seems to be that it was Apple or perhaps Steve Jobs himself that complained, once the news went viral. We’d mentioned about getting it fast before the legal eagles caught it. It was a cool idea, maybe they can get Jobs to okay it with a licensing agreement. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that products got scrapped and then came back with new agreements, right?

Meanwhile, if it never does come back, they will no doubt be grabbed up in the black market as rare items, for both Apple and Star Wars collectors. But if Lucas didn’t seem to mind, I think they should mold one of Jar Jar Binks frozen in carbonite. That one would no doubt be a best seller.
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