She's my most favourite female character ever in Star Wars. Because she's so strong, both physically, emotionally and mentally speaking. She's so much better than her mother, Queen Padme Admidala, her being a damsel in distress.
If you were to choose, would you prefer to be a Jedi or a Sith? Jedis are too good for me personally at least anyways, I'd rather be a Sith working for Emperor Palpatine, as he's my favourite super villain in the series.
Is Rey a Skywalker because she considers herself married to Ben or is she the daughter of Luke Skywalker? And if so, who is her birth/biologial mother then? Because in the movie, it's said that she's the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine.
I have seen the movie "Obiwan Kenobi", on Disney Plus. For me personally at least anyways, it's a good movie, not great but good entertainment and distraction.