Star Wars Parody of Windows 7 Advertisements

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We are sure you’ve seen the ads on TV that Windows 7 was everyone’s idea. The commercials start out by telling what their idea was and then how it was included in the operating system. It’s a cool ad to try to shake the all encompassing Microsoft reputation and put the OS in the hands of the people. Which I guess means that if your system crashes, you can blame your neighbor? That doesn’t seem fair to put the blame on him. He’s an elderly man that uses his laptop for getting email from his grandchildren. Just what is being implied here?

Like Microsoft, the other evil empire would also like to let other people take credit for their work. After all, the Death Star wasn’t built by people that were bent on world destruction. Well, okay it was, but why shouldn’t the end user of the fully operational battle station get some recognition to? After all, putting those guys right next to the beam that could destroy a planet was someone’s idea, right? Or that an unprotected shaft that led right to the reactor? Maybe it was this guy’s brilliant plan.


What? No, we’ll never believe that Chewbacca, our favorite warrior wookie and walking carpet, could have had an idea that led to the pimp’d out ball of death. Why would he even volunteer for these commercials? Where is Han Solo?


You’ve really got to love the stormtrooper doing sign language for Chewbacca. That cracked us up.

Anyway, finally we have the Sith Lord himself claiming that the Death Star was his idea. Actually, it probably was. After all, who could be so diabolical to want to blow up a whole planet to keep the local systems in line. Yeah, I know. Most likely General Tarkin, but I’m sure Darth put in his two cents. After all, someone had to tell them how to design his cool living quarters with the massive breathing room. Those things don’t design themselves.


Thanks to sneakyzebra on YouTube for these really fun parodies.
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