
Carrie Fisher Talks About Her Shock Therapy on Oprah
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In recent days, Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia Organa, has been very open about her life, her famous family, and her bouts with depression. Her latest revelation, which she revealed on Oprah sitting next to her mother, actress and dancer Debbie Reynolds, is that the undergoes shock treatment every six weeks to help her deal with her chronic illness. Fisher, who is 54, says that it clears her mind, blows out the cement to use her terms. She also mentioned that it’s not the horrid treatment it once was with mad scientists in asylums, but a civilized procedure where one is put to sleep, with no convulsions or seizures. When the treatment is complete, Fisher says she feels much better and has a much clearer mind. It should be noted however, that results vary and one should consider all treatment options with their doctor to see what is right for them.
Star Wars Knight Errant
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Comic book fans are familiar with Dark Horse’s Star Wars: Knight Errant, but we thought we might introduce those that haven’t seen it to this interesting series.

The upcoming Old Republic game will focus on the time 1000 years into the past, before the events of the movies, and so does Star Wars: Knight Errant. This is a dark time for the worlds, a kind of wild west of space when everyone is trying to get their own piece of the action and there is no governing empire to look over the whole thing. It is strictly every man and every district for themselves. The Sith are the power in the galaxy and the Republic and the Jedi are struggling groups trying to get on top of the situation to bring order to chaos. Evil is everywhere and no one is safe. A far cry from the civilized events of the Imperial Senate.

But one woman warrior has a plan to take down the Sith. Her name is Kerra Holt and she is a headstrong lady who has decided to take it upon herself to rid...
The Latest Star Wars News February 14 2011
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The Toy Fair 2011 was this weekend and Star Wars had their usual presence there, but it was certainly the year for The Clone Wars, with much of the new toys being targeted toward that show rather than the movies in general, which was somewhat of a disappointment for some fans. However, it was quite a boom for fans of the animated series with new characters, new character looks a spiffy new large scale Attack Shuttle and other toys. For those that have a fondness for your own lightsaber, Hasbro introduced a plastic hilt version of the FX Light Saber for $35 which is a big savings off the collectible metal model. Darth and Luke’s sabers will hit the stores soon. Star Wars, by the way, took in a record total for 2010, even though there was no movie released, mostly in part to the Cartoon Network series.

Not to let other film franchises get all the glory, in 2012, Star Wars Episode I: Phantom Menace will be updated to 3D and rereleased, with the whole series to...
Some More Crazy Star Wars Stuff
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There is no end to the amount of Star Wars merchandise that makes you go hmmmm. And then we wonder why we didn’t think of it? Here is another five items that seemed particularly strange to us, but maybe useful.

Jazwares starts us off with an item they haven’t yet released, but will probably be coming out very soon. It is a replica of Darth Vader’s head as a CD player and MP3 Device Speaker System. While they call it a boombox, it really isn’t persay, at least not in the true traditional sense, but his noggin will rock out the tunes for you as it’s compatible with most music players, as well as being able to play a CD right inside the helmet. And to make it a bit more creepy, the eyes glow red when the music is playing. Expect to pay $69.99 for this unique gift.

R2D2 has been turned into many things from a belt buckle to an ice chest to even a bathing suit, but now he has two new identities. One is a tissue holder where you can pull tissues from the top...
Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars
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No matter which Lego series it was, whether it was Harry Potter, Indiana Jones or Star Wars, the games have always had a tongue in cheek look at the films that they are portraying. And in this case, Lego Star Wars III is right up there with their take on the wildly popular animated series. Along with the major battles and supercool gameplay, some of the plot points are just hilarious. Such as when Anakin crashes the fighter into the hanger bay and Obi-Wan just puts his head in his palm.

The action will be both localized and on a massive scale. If you’ve seen the series, huge battles are a big part of the show and in the first trilogy, there were incredibly complicated and epic. Lego Star Wars III is not going to disappoint in this regard. From just the trailer, we can see that incredible scale of war from space against large star destroyers to the mass Jedi attack on planet Geonosis. Some will require a one man army, while others put you in charge of a...
Star Wars Kid Becomes Famous
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During what was one of the most watched Super Bowls in history, a young boy became a legend in what was a 30 second commercial for Volkswagen. If you haven’t seen the commercial, he plays a kid dressed up in a Darth Vader costume who tries to use the powers of the force on things like the washing machine, and even the dog. But when he goes outside and faces the car, he finds it starts up, causing him to jump. Thinking it actually worked, but it was really his parents that started the car by remote, a feature of the new 2011 Passat.

We hadn’t realized when we mentioned the boy in yesterday’s news feed that he had become the new Star Wars Kid and brought new interest back in the series and of course, in Darth Vader costumes for kids. The YouTube video of the commercial has garnished over a million views and the commercial itself is seen by 20 million during the Super Bowl.

And Max Page, the lad who played the miniature Darth, has been given the royal...
Latest Star Wars News February 7 2011
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During the Super Bowl, there was a commercial for Volkswagen in which a young boy plays a small Darth Vader who is trying to test his powers. When he tries his luck on the car and it starts, he’s amazed, even though it was his parents that started the car by remote. Max Page, the lad who plays the Dark Lord, is actually 6 years old, born with a pacemaker. But what people didn’t see during the commercial is that he bears a strong resemblance to Mark Hamill, who played Darth Vader’s son, Luke Skywalker. He probably would have made a great Anakin. Either way, he's quite the star today appearing on Today and other shows.

Speaking of the Sith Lord, did you know that in Norwegian, Vader means father? Perhaps George Lucas was giving us a hint all along.

We’re often on the lookout for fan based art in the Star Wars Universe and this one definitely caught our eye. It’s a AT-AT made exclusively from recycled computer parts. Sage Werbock, a past sideshow...
Star Wars Weekends Announced at Disney Hollywood Studios in Florida
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Walt Disney World’s Star Wars Weekends have become a fan favorite ever since Star Tours, Disney’s ride based on the films, became a reality. Since then, it has given guests opportunities to meet such stars as Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, David Prowse, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew and more. It is also filled with great memorabilia and character interactions.

Not only are there stars, but special events as well. You may have seen our video in the last post of Darth Vader doing a bit of lightsaber fencing (where normally his lightsaber does stay intact) and the Dark Lord and his stormtroopers dancing to Thriller. These are some of the many interactive type entertainment that they put on every year during the special days. Also much more of the characters from the films are out and about to sign autographs and pose for pictures. At night is the Hyperspace Hoopla, a dance party which allows visitors to get up close and personal with the characters...
Darth Vader s Diary
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We don’t wish to be the center of gossip in the galaxy like other sites, but when this green guy named Greedo came to us with what he claimed was a diary belonging to Darth Vader, we couldn’t resist his offer. He wanted 5000 galactic credits, which seemed like a lot, until we realized that with the current exchange rate, it came to $1.55 in US. He said he really needed the money as he was saving for a bullet proof vest and hoped to get the rest of the money when he collected his reward for catching this guy Ham Salad, er Han Sherbert, or something like that. I wished him luck and we haven’t seen him again. Most of the diary is using an ancient code that we have yet to decipher, but we did manage to get one page done with our secret decoder ring and a rubber band.

It’s apparently from the day they attacked the diplomatic ship with Princess Leia on board. Here is what it said:

I have such a headache this morning from staying in that air chamber too long. I...
Star Wars The Old Republic Death Penalty
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If any of you watched Caprica, there was a virtual world in the game called New Cap City and in it the rule was that if you died in the game world, you were permanently banned. While MMO’s have yet to go that far, the new Salem MMO gets pretty close with its permadeath scenario. If you get killed, you do not get resurrected, but have to begin all over again. This draconian method may sit well with experienced players who know how to avoid getting killed, but not so much for the newbies, who everyone knows are easy bait in the MMO’s for some rude fun by the experienced.

Ever since MMO’s were invented, there was always those that got the upper hand at the start and then play by hassling and fragging other players weaker than themselves. While battles will certainly be a big part of the Old Republic, they want to give newbies a fair shot, a chance to take a risk, as winning over someone more experienced can be a satisfying experience. Going back to start is...
Funny Star Wars Videos
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A short time in a galaxy pretty close to home was a lot of creative people who thought it would be fun to pick on Star Wars and with George Lucas being a good guy at not getting upset at these fans, some really funny stuff was born. We found out that YouTube is full of these great videos from those who see the humorous side of the force and thought we would share them with you here, some of the highlights that we saw.

Everyone knows that Darth Vader can be somewhat of a jerk, but who knew that he was that way to his own crew. In this video we find out that he really does have a dark sense of humor.


Obi-Wan survived the battle of the fates, even though his master Qui-Gon Jinn didn’t. Too bad Kenobi wasn’t there to save the elderly Jedi. If he had only used force speed when the doors opened, the movie might have ended differently...
This Week in Star Wars January 26 2011
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Sorry, we were off yesterday, but we present you with this week’s Star Wars news.

Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is EA’s venture into the largest Star Wars MMO ever, has been one that the fans have been clamoring over for quite awhile and while no official word has come down that Spring 2011 is not the timeframe for the release, some sites are saying that unnamed sources are whispering that EA may be setting that back to September. If true, this is bound to disappoint the gamers waiting for this title, and probably do more to scare EA investors, who are already wary on the massive project that EA has thrust itself into, with no track record for success in the MMO world, having failed with Warhammer earlier. We’ll have more as it comes out.

Don’t run to your local spaceport just yet. George Lucas, who Seth Rogen recently claimed when on a rant about the end of the world in 2012, has stepped forward to dispel the rumor. It seems that both are having a...
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