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  1. Stan

    Lego Star Wars III The Clone Wars

    No matter which Lego series it was, whether it was Harry Potter, Indiana Jones or Star Wars, the games have always had a tongue in cheek look at the films that they are portraying. And in this case, Lego Star Wars III is right up there with their take on the wildly popular animated series...
  2. Stan

    Some More Crazy Star Wars Stuff

    There is no end to the amount of Star Wars merchandise that makes you go hmmmm. And then we wonder why we didn’t think of it? Here is another five items that seemed particularly strange to us, but maybe useful. Jazwares starts us off with an item they haven’t yet released, but will probably...
  3. Stan

    The Latest Star Wars News February 14 2011

    The Toy Fair 2011 was this weekend and Star Wars had their usual presence there, but it was certainly the year for The Clone Wars, with much of the new toys being targeted toward that show rather than the movies in general, which was somewhat of a disappointment for some fans. However, it was...
  4. Stan

    Star Wars Knight Errant

    Comic book fans are familiar with Dark Horse’s Star Wars: Knight Errant, but we thought we might introduce those that haven’t seen it to this interesting series. The upcoming Old Republic game will focus on the time 1000 years into the past, before the events of the movies, and so does Star...
  5. Stan

    Carrie Fisher Talks About Her Shock Therapy on Oprah

    In recent days, Carrie Fisher who played Princess Leia Organa, has been very open about her life, her famous family, and her bouts with depression. Her latest revelation, which she revealed on Oprah sitting next to her mother, actress and dancer Debbie Reynolds, is that the undergoes shock...
  6. Stan

    What Could You Possibly Be Star Wars Detours Trademarked

    LucasFilms has purchased the domain name and filed for a trademark for Star Wars Detours. The trademark lists a whole lot of items, but mostly interactive media covering everything from video games to music to DVDs and even leaves open the possibility for merchandise. Whatever it is, they...
  7. Stan

    Star Wars The Clone Wars News

    As season 3 winds down, we get a visit from one of our old favorites, Chewbacca, who will make an appearance in the final episode of the season and he doesn’t appear to be very thrilled with what’s going on, according to the preview video. While not reprising his role exactly, Peter Mayhew, the...
  8. Stan

    Lego Star Wars Fun

    Even as an adult, its fun to play with Legos and build things that we can imagine in our minds and of course there are plenty of Star Wars sets to create just about any scenario. And we’ve seen some truly elaborate uses. Complete ships in the Star Wars universe have been made out of Lego and...
  9. Stan

    New Star Tours Toys Announced for 2011

    As Disney gets ready to open “Star Tours II: The Adventures Continue” on May 20th, there will be collectible toys sold based on the attraction. These toys will most likely be limited to the gift shops at Disney World, especially the one at the attraction exit, but maybe available elsewhere...
  10. Stan

    Oscar and Star Wars

    It’s truly a testament to George Lucas that his legacy keeps on, despite not having any dogs in the hunt for Oscar gold. His legacy’s presence was commonplace at this year’s Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awards (or in other words, Oscars). In the 83rd giving out of the golden man...
  11. Stan

    Star Wars News from Around the Galaxy March 3 2011

    As we’ve said before, Lucas will be releasing the six episodes of Star Wars once again in glorious 3D, jumping on the bandwagon of all the other movies that will be rereleased like Titanic. The problem is that movies that are converted to 3D from 2D are not very impressive, at least not so far...
  12. Stan

    Celebrities and their Star Wars Fame

    Few roles have the public’s interest like that of Star Wars. Roles that once you are cast, you are forever known as that character, no matter how many other roles you’ve had or how popular they were. And the constant reminder of a role can get to be a bit daunting for the celebrity, especially...
  13. Stan

    Star Wars Helmets in Copyright Dispute in Britain

    Andrew Ainsworth is perhaps not a name that you would know off hand, but he was instrumental in the Star Wars trilogy by bringing the StormTrooper uniforms to life for Episode 4 and the other films. While the helmets were not designed by Ainsworth, but by Nick Pemberton, a friend and artist...
  14. Stan

    Star Wars The Old Republic Opens Guild Headquarters

    Guilds are a staple of the MMO world and Bio-Ware wants to make sure that they are no exception. But instead of waiting for the game release for players to get their guilds going, they’ve opened up Guild Headquarters in three phases before the 12/31/2011 release of the game. The first phase is...
  15. Stan

    Quality Assurance for Star Wars 3D Movies

    As every fan knows by now and we’ve announced here that Phantom Menace will be the first of the six movies to be re-released in 3D. John Knoll, a veteran in visual effects for Industrial Light and Magic, as well as a co-creator for Adobe Photoshop, will be leading the project. He was the...
  16. Stan

    Star Wars The Old Republic Trailer Released

    There is a new trailer released today from Bio-Ware for their upcoming game Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massive MMO set to premiere on New Years Eve in 2011. It provides a very quick history in typical trailer format of how the characters got to this point. The video does a fair job of...
  17. Stan

    Star Wars Uncut Emmy Winning Fan Movie

    Star Wars Uncut, if you haven’t heard about it, is a remake of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in which they asked people all over the world to contribute their version of scenes in 15 second increments. The interpretations could be in any visual style or with any tools that they had to do so...
  18. Stan

    Star Wars News from Around the Galaxy March 16 2011

    Last news we featured Star Wars Uncut, which featured a fan based recreation of the first Star Wars movie in 15 second increments. Today, we find another gem from a couple of fans of the film, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Both actors are starring in the new film Paul about an alien landing on...
  19. Stan

    More Interesting Star Wars Stuff

    It’s time once again to look at some more interesting and cool Star Wars things that are sure to get the wallet out of your pocket, or at least a smile on your face, or a face palm. Either way, here are three items we haven’t talked about before and maybe should have. Our first one comes from...
  20. Stan

    Star Wars Game and Video News

    Everyone is awaiting the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, which has been marketed quite a bit before its release on December 31, 2011. But right now, they are soliciting beta testers and have already gotten 1.5 million, which is a good start to the game’s success. Execs at Bio-Ware and...
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