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Parody Reviews Already Out for Phantom Menace 3D
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When Disney released Lion King in 3D, people heralded it as one of the greatest acts of movie magic in a long while, but for George Lucas and company redoing Phantom Menace in 3D, not so much. The fan base has really been down on this from the start. Perhaps it is because the movie that tells the tale of the very young Anakin Skywalker is not that well liked amongst them. And thus, they have decided to revolt by making their voices heard on YouTube, such as the video below.

Now there are those that may say that some of the criticism comes across as a bit harsh. After all, James Cameron is re-releasing Titanic in 3D? What’s the difference? Well the difference is that Lucas has been milking the same six films over and over, tweaking them as he goes along with elements that people just don’t like. He doesn’t just add in or enhance the video from format to format, but puts in things like “Nooooooooooooooooo!” to try to make them different enough for people to...
Kinect Star Wars Gets Release Date
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We’ve had a little bit of fun and a little bit of apprehension about Kinect Star Wars over the last few months, but we are glad to hear that it has a release date now of April 3, 2012, which will include not only the game, but the Star Wars Xbox 360/Kinect Bundle.

The game, in a statement by LucasArts and Microsoft, will include a few key events as you make your way through the adventure.
Star Wars News from the Galaxy for February 4, 2012
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This edition we feature what happened when a guy wielded his lightsaber in a retail store, a new kid featurette advertising Phantom Menace 3D and a new Star Wars Volkswagen Super Bowl Ad.

You may remember last December the case of a Portland Oregon man who went into a Toys-R-Us and started attacking people with the plastic toy lightsabers they have on sale there. He hit at least one, but since they are pretty light, he didn’t really do any bodily harm.
All Gold in Star Wars: The Old Republic?
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A month out of the gate and Star Wars: The Old Republic has seen over 2 million copies sold and 1.7 million currently playing. That spells a pretty good start for investors to hang their hat on for now, but the biggest test is still yet to come. You see, people haven’t started paying the subscription cost yet as it came with a free trial.

During the grace period, Bioware hopes to show their stuff with already one update and another one coming in March. These updates will not only create new content, but will hopefully fix a lot of the glitches that still hound the game. If you check out the forums, there is a lot of early criticism, although no one I think really expected the game to go smoothly given the amount of content and the possibility of problems just about everywhere. What is good is that the developer is trying to stay on top of it and being as transparent as possible in doing so, which is not a bad thing. Although there have been anecdotal...
Kinect Star Wars Drops Another Pile
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I am almost starting to feel bad for the developers of this game. Either they’ve just given up after numerous delays or they are letting marketing go crazy with no rhyme or reason towards their audience. Either way, they certainly don’t seem to be taking the fans, who would play the game, to heart in their latest moves. Of course, Lucas has said basically that the input from the large community doesn’t really matter, so I guess he can basically throw anything in the mix and expect people to lavish in it, even if it is kind of smelly…

Case in point, the new “trailer” for Kinect Star Wars. Now I’m not the kind of fan of Star Wars that dresses up as a stormtrooper at Comic-Con’s, but I do appreciate a good storyline and strong characters, something I believe A New Hope had in droves. And so I hate seeing those characters messed with in a way that downgrades the scenes they are in. Yes, Star Wars Uncut was pretty funny and forgivable in its inherent hokeyness...
Star Wars Uncut: Director’s Cut
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Last year, you may remember that we talked about “Star Wars Uncut”, a fan based project in which potential film makers would send in 15 second clips from any scene they chose from A New Hope. In these clips, creative people could basically do anything from making tie fighters out of cardboard and R2D2 out of a garbage can. Once all the scenes were represented, the producers edited the movie together into one glorious film.
Phantom Menace 3D Spawns Big Event at AMC
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As you are aware by now, the age of remade Star Wars films in 3D is almost upon us. Jar Jar in stunning 3D, er Phantom Menace, the first episode (or the fourth depending on how you look at it) will be out on Friday, February 10th. But AMC Theaters wants to make it far more memorable than just getting a ticket and sitting down with the usually ugly 3D glasses. Instead, participating locations will be giving away collectibles (with purchase) and customized glasses, while 10 places are even having cool events and activities on Saturday, the 11th.
Lucas Retires from Blockbuster Movies
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In an announcement that will probably be as though thousands of voices suddenly cried out and then were silenced, George Lucas said that he is retiring from making blockbuster films like Star Wars after the Red Tails promotional period was over.

News of his comment spread across the internet like wildfire, even though it was a day that had many sites blacked out due to SOPA protests.
George Lucas Produces and Finances “Red Tails”
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One of the forgotten few of WWII were the Tuskegee Airmen, a group of African-American pilots, crew and commanders of the 332nd Airborne Division that fought so bravely, both in the air, at home, and in a military at a time when people were segregated by their color and few believed that those who were not “white” could even fly a plane. History had practically written their bravery right out of the books, which was a real shame as they had fought as hard as any men against Nazi Germany. But George Lucas plans to change all that and give these men the recognition they so rightly deserve.

One can say a lot about Lucas, but one thing that has always impressed is that he puts characters first, but with action to keep it from drifting into boredom, and he does this in “Red Tails” as he did in Star Wars. The film is not about a history lesson of the unit, but it gets into the personalities of the men, tracing their individual stories, their pain and triumphs...
Star Wars The Old Republic First Update
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Just a little less than a month out of the gate, Star Wars: The Old Republic developers are seeing where the cracks are and as we speak are putting the final touches on the January 17, 2012 update that has a ton of new things, some changes in game play, and of course, some bug fixes that will hopefully not fix one thing while breaking something else.
Star Wars News of the Galaxy for December 18 2011
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In this edition, Bioware gives in with two day grace period for registering copies of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Kinect Star Wars gets dancing, and the Jedi Faith is gaining traction worldwide.

For those who were upset about the lack of a grace period in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the developers have decided to heed the call and announced a two day period that will extend from the official launch time, 48 hours to December 22, 2011.
Man Uses Lightsaber to Ward off Arrest
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Don’t you just hate when you are sitting there minding your own business at a Toys’R’Us, when a guy toting a Rebel Alliance lightsaber comes over and hits you with it? Well that’s exactly what happened in Portland, Oregon when a man attacked three customers, making us wonder if he was really a Sith in disguise.
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